"Directed through seven branches, the MNO employs nearly 200 people located in communities across Ontario."
- www.metisnation.org

Healing & Wellness
The goal of the Aboriginal Health and Wellness Strategy (AHWS) is to improve the health of Aboriginal individuals, families, communities and nations. A traditional and culturally appropriate approach to healing and wellness for all Aboriginal peoples of Ontario will ensure access for all to the type of health care and services most other Ontarians take for granted.
Child & Family Initiatives
The Métis Family Wellbeing Program was designed to meet the needs of a large, yet often overlooked target group: Youth, ages ranging from seven to eight-teen years old. The Métis Family Wellbeing Program was implemented in December of 2016, and has found success in the community with activities such as Spirit Painting, Dot Art, Anger Management Programs, as well as spreading awareness about issues that directly impact Youth, such as “What is Violence?”, a presentation developed by the Coordinator.

Lands, Resources and Consultation
This new duty requires governments to consult Indian, Inuit and Métis peoples and accommodate their interests whenever a Crown actor considers conduct that might adversely affect Aboriginal rights or interests. The duty applies when the Crown has real or constructive knowledge of the potential existence of Aboriginal rights or title that may be at risk from a course of action being contemplated by a Crown. The duty demands that all governments work with Aboriginal peoples to understand their interests and concerns prior to authorizing or proceeding with a plan, policy, development or activity that has the potential to affect Aboriginal rights. The purpose of the duty is achieved when government addresses, modifies or reconciles its actions with Aboriginal interests in a real and substantive way.

Employment & Training
Skills training and development is a critical component for supporting Métis people in achieving their career aspirations and advancing the interests of Métis communities across Ontario. In support of this goal, MNO provides a comprehensive suite of employment programs and services that include career counselling, employment readiness training, wage subsidies, apprenticeship support, mobility assistance, self-employment, youth initiatives and services for clients with disabilities. Programs and services are delivered through community-based service sites across the province.
MNO Timmins Photo Gallery